Thursday, February 18, 2010


The freshmen Spartan cheerleaders from Stevenson in livonia were at Mrs.Peggy's gymnactics for a sleepover. There was all sorts of things going on tumbling, movies, games, and contests. But there was one contest that was everyone's favorite the Sweedish Fish contest. The object was to hold 3 sweedish fish taped to your head and run through an obstacle course. You had to start off outside in the in ground pool, swim with sharks up to the door with out getting bit and grab the key taped to the bottom of the pool.
Once you did that you had to crawl on your hands and knees through the fires in the waiting room. They are scorching hot. Once you reach the front you have to climb through the window onto the trampoline. There you grab the rope to swing across the pit were it use to be foam blocks but now is filled with snakes and starbursts. You have to try and make it to the other side were then you have to find the key to open your task envelope that sealed in a glass box.
You have to change all your clothes into rain boots, a life jacket and yoga pants. Once you use the fishing net to dig through the pile of sweedish fish, and find the key. Then you have to race to the tumble track find your own box open it and the envelope read what it says and either quit or take on the challenge.
So me, Heather Jaynes, Gabby Borg, Courtney Myers, and Emma Parker took on the challenge. Eveyone else sat back and watched in amusement. All five of us started off in the pool when the horn blew we took off. Emma got turned around in the water and couldn't find a straight direction. So once me, Heather,Gabby, and courtney reached the door got our keys and got out of the freezing cold water. We then started on the crawl to the window the fires were so hot it felt like a hot suana. It was so hot Heather passed out in there.
Me,Gabby,and Courtney then got through the window and onto the trampoline. We all raced for the rope and jumped on at once. That caused us all to bump into eachother and me and courtney accidently knocked Gabby off into the snakes and starbursts. Once me and courtney made it across we hurried up and changed and grabbed our nets checking to make sure tose three starbursts were still on our heads we looked at eachother and said:"Good!"
We started to fish for our keys Courtney screamed:" I got mine, I got mine!" She swooped up the fish net and her key went flying into the snake pit. I then thought I better hurry, I continued to look. Courtney was running over trying to scoop her key out the snake pit without falling in or getting bit. I then found my key raced to my box and opened it my task was to do a round off double back handsring step out back walkover full twinsting layout. I thought to myself heck no, I know I can't do this.
But, something gave me and idea I grabbed the bouncing harness up on the wall and put it on. Courtney was right behind trying to open her box she finally end up getting her key. I started off running down the tumble track doing a round off double back handspring step out back walkover ending it with a full twisting layout. Everyone clapped and cheered Coach then said step up and claim your prize. I stepped up and took off the three swedish fish that were still taped on and bowed. Instanty everyone's mouths dropped open. I went to see what everyone was staring at, I looked in the mirror and saw a sweedish fish mark burned into my forehead.


  1. haha kayla!,
    I remember when you came to gym with a scar on your forehead in the shape of a fish.
    i miss you lots!(:

  2. That was such a fun sleepover! You're the only person who is "smart" enough to come up with the idea of microwave Swedish Fish, then through it on your head.

  3. Hillarious story Kayla. It must suck to have that happen to you, but i can relate, because i got a black eye once foolin around at a hocket tournament.

  4. Good job turning something so simple as an accident into a great story, I really liked it.

  5. That sounds fun.:) I can totally picture it. Lets hangout.

  6. since i was there i can say that you did a great job bigfisherizing this story. I just wish you didnt make me loose :( hah thanks for putting me in your story.
